The project hold five transnational meetings, one in each organisation headquarter, spread along the project with similar intervals for better accompanying the works.
kickoff meeting
This meeting had the main aim of personally presenting all the organisation members, associated members and collaborators involved in the project, introduce the participant organisations to all the partnership and agree the specific schedule of each output production.
Particularly, in this kickoff meeting, the coordinator of the first output, CoEspai, resent the main categories and research questions to be developed in the first output. CoEspai also presented the methodology of research, the first indicators to be further developed and the first draft of the data collection instruments (documentation and interviews) to be further negotiated and developed by the partners during the upcoming months. Furthermore, CoEspai presented a methodology and a schedule to gather the good practices on ICT and entrepreneurship training for adult women. Moreover, during this first meeting, an Open Day was held to make known the project, disseminate their aims. The officially start of tasks was already made through an online meeting.
Santarém, Portugal
24th and 25th of June 2021
In the headquarters of ESE-IPS
In the headquarters of FA
second meeting
This was a meeting that served to present the results of the research (IO 1) and evaluate them (monitoring), but also a meeting to design the guidelines to start developing both the second and third outputs and to launch the first E-Women In ICT Conference to present the intellectual output (O1) to stakeholders.
Magdeburg, Germany
21st and 22nd of october 2021
third meeting
This meeting will be a monitoring meeting to evaluate if the development of O2 and O3 is going according to the plan, making readjustments in this output if necessary (both outputs will continue simultaneously for 6 more months). This meeting will also serve to prepare the LTT to occur in Barcelona in October/November.
Girona, Spain
21st and 22nd of april 2022
In the headquarters of CoEspai
In the headquarters of C.E. Politècnics.
fourth meeting
This meeting was held with the aim of verifying the IOs developed until the time of the meeting (three of them were finished before the meeting) and to launch the final outputs (O4 – Pedagogical, Assessment, Validation and recognition tools and O5 – Pedagogical Model for Online Learning). C.E. Politècnics also hosted the face-to-face activities of the LTT and prepared a Multiplier Event to occur after the meeting, therefore this meeting will also be used for the last preparations of these events.
Barcelona, Spain
8th and 9th of november 2022
last meeting
This meeting served to evaluate all the outputs of the project and the general development of it, to reflect about the limitations and improvement proposals and to think about further projects, knowledge transference and dissemination after the project life cycle (the dissemination of outputs starting after the end of each one as seen in other parts of this application). It was also used to finalise the preparations for the last Multiplier Event (that occurred after the meeting) and to make a draft of the Final Report for the National Agency.
Lisbon, Portugal
21st and 22nd of March 2023
In the headquarters of ITA-ISTEC